The Artist Alley is a low-commitment avenue for artists and makers to explore a Dealers’ Den experience without the commitment needed for a full Dealers’ Den table. It’s a great way for new and budding artists to give tabling a try, giving them a back-out option just in case they need it!
It’s also a great space for artists of all kinds to meet, network, sell commissions, and showcase themselves to both local and international con-goers.
How is this different from the Dealers Den?
The Artist Alley is semi-autonomous, meaning that anyone with a rego can showcase their stuff. The Artist Alley is also limited in scope, as Artist Alley Tables are not Dealers Den tables and are meant to be low-commitment, providing an entry point to start selling at conventions.
The Artist Alley is meant to be a way to highlight as much Aussie talent as possible without requiring the commitment of a Dealers Den table.
Rules for the space
What can I do at my Artist Alley Table?
At the Artist Alley, you can sell commissions or small goods at a table, work on commissions, meet fellow artists, or make use of the free drawing area.
Please be considerate of those around you and be responsible for any mess you make. The use of this space reflects on the convention, convention guests and our fandom as a whole.
What can I sell at my table?
Artist Alley tables are designed for selling and promoting table and take-home commissions and other small wares. This includes but isn’t limited to:
- Premade, table-drawn, and take-home art commissions and/or artistic prints
- Stickers, pins, charms, and other small items, crafts, or merchandise.
- A small number (1 to 3) of small fursuit components such as paws, claws, tails, ears, masks, and heads
- Other small-sized accessories
Please avoid bringing any of the below for display or sale at your table:
- Fursuit Body and Core Limb parts (arms, legs)
- Any costume/fursuit components requiring fitted measurements
- Food or beverages of any kind (even if they have cool designs on them, sorry!)
- Any items that may overcrowd your table or otherwise do not fit on your table for display
- Resold or non-custom items
What about Not-Safe-For-Work material?
NSFW items, prints, and commissions may be sold in the Artist Alley but must not be on public display (censored or otherwise) and must have a barrier to engagement (e.g., a dedicated folder). NSFW commissions may not be worked on in public view.
If you are unsure about whether or not your art/merchandise is considered Not-Safe-For-Work, you can check with the Artist Alley Supervisor (indicated in a blue or yellow vest). Staff reserve the right to ask you to modify your display for any reason.
What can’t I do at my Artist Alley table?
You cannot run a dedicated Fursuit or costume-part-focused table. Feel free to bring along a partial fursuit project you’re working on for display; however, you may not actively work on Fursuits in the Artist Alley (full or partial).
Any trimming of fur or use of glitter in any craft will lead to immediate and automatic ejection from the Artist Alley space.
Aurawra staff may request that you alter your display at any time to better meet the guidelines of our event. Furthermore, you must also follow the Rules Regarding Artists and Crafters found in our rules document.
Failure to follow convention guidelines may result in removal from the Artist Alley.
How do I get a table?
Check in with the Artist Alley Supervisor to check table availability! If a table is available, the supervisor will provide you with the table, taking note of your badge name and your start time. This is to ensure fair distribution of tables in the case of high demand during Artist Alley hours.
How long can I have the table for?
The artist alley supervisor will advise you on how long you will have your table for. In case of high demand, you may be given a time when you’ll need to relinquish your table. This is so that another artist may have a turn at trying out the Artist Alley. Just keep in mind that you cannot leave your table unsupervised for an extended period of time (~5-10min). If you wish to take part in con activities, please be courteous and pack up your table so someone else can utilise it.
What if there are no available tables?
If the Artist Alley is full and there are no available tables for you to take, the Artist Alley Supervisor will take note of your badge name and contact information and will notify you when a table becomes available; make sure you are able to take your table as soon as possible when it becomes available, tables left vacant for too long will be passed to the next person in line.
Can I share my table?
If you would like to share your table with another friend or furry, you are both welcome to do so, provided you check in with the Artist Alley Supervisor. You may not join someone’s table without first notifying the Artist Alley Supervisor. If you are joining someone else’s table, you must vacate the table when their time is up.
Can I modify my table?
Tables may be decorated with small signs and displays such as pinboards and business card holders. Tables cannot, however, be extended vertically with wire cages or similar or taken over substantially with custom tablecloths or front-mounted corflute. A single artist can occupy no more than a single table, and their stock must fit comfortably within that table space. Tables cannot be moved without the approval and consent of staff.