Ticket Release FAQ

Q: Will there be day passes sold?

We have decided to once again not offer day passes this year. There are a few reasons for this, but it is something the team will continue to assess as years go on.

Q: Why aren't you selling the tickets off those that have already waitlisted?

Our waitlist extends back to when tickets were first released, since that time peoples living situations and bank details have potentially changed. On top of that we have new people joining the fandom and our chat room every day who have just found out about the event.
It was always our plan to use the waitlist feature as method to collect emails to notify people alongside our social media when the next round of tickets would be released.

Q: I've already supplied payment registration through the waitlist, will I be charged twice?

No you will not, no money has been taken from your account and the only time we will take money is if you succeed in getting a registration.

Q: I'm already on the waitlist, do I need to go through the registration process again?

Yes you will.

Q: How do I check if I have a ticket, or if I'm on the waitlist?

If you check the email you received when you registered, it will say up the top whether your registration purchase was successful or if you are on the waitlist. If you're still unsure reach out to the Aurawra team at <email>.

Q: Will there be multiple levels of registration available?

We have over a hundred Standard Tickets available, additionally there will be a few Sponsor spots opening.
There are no Benefactor registrations available.

Q: I want a refund after this round of purchases can I get one?

No, the second round of purchases is opening as a result of the already refunded tickets. As we are now only a short time out from the convention we are going to be proceeding with the purchase of goods such as badges.